Pictures are up!
A friend just shared this quote with me. Normally I think such quotes and sayings are sweet, but a little too sugary for my tastes. However, now that I have a child of my own, I see that these aren’t romantic exaggerations made to help us feel all warm and squishy inside, but exact representations of the experience of new parenthood.
"I loved him intimately, sight unseen. Yet when he lay on my chest for the first time, part of me felt as if someone had given me a Martian baby to raise, or a Martian puppy. And I had no owner’s manual, no energy, no clue as to what I was supposed to do.
The other part of me felt as though I were holding my own soul.
Now, all these years later, this pretty much says it."
–Ann Lamott
Labels: baby
Congrats!! I’ve been checking your other blog and missed this one. I wondered how you were doing. I’m so excited for you. Well, back to the blog to look at pictures.
(a.k.a) art_by_sue