Thoughtful Friday 1

I enjoy reading other people’s blogs.  It is like sitting down with my morning coffee and reading a beautiful magazine, only it is online.  Anyway, one I especially like is Bella Diaevery Friday she posts a quote and photo, just for something nice to end the week and give you something to think about over the weekend.  I tend to like any exercise that gets me thinking about life, so I have decided to join in, this week at least.  We’ll see if I can remember to keep up over the next Fridays.  Ever since I quit my job at the hospital, I can never remember what day of the week it is.  That usually isn’t a problem, it just means I may miss this sometimes.  But that’s OK, this is something fun, not something to be militant about.


"I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."  -Henry David Thoreau

Sausage Kale Soup


Chris and I love to eat at Olive Garden restaurant, but the only thing we ever order is soup, salad, and breadsticks.  We only order their Zuppa Toscana.  A few years ago I tried my hand at recreating the recipe.  I just made it again tonight, and this time it tasted virtually the same.  Enjoy!

Read the recipe here…

Grilled Chicken Salad with Mango

Grilled Chicken Salad with Mango


For the marinade:
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
Juice of one medium Orange
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3/4 teaspoon chili powder
2 or 3 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Juice of one medium Orange
Juice of one Lime
2 tablespoons tequila
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons honey
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
Dash of salt

Remaining ingredients:
1/2 teaspoon salt
½ Jicama, peeled and cut into julienne strips
1 medium mango, peeled and cubed
½ bag frozen shelled edamame
3 cups torn romaine lettuce
3 cup fresh spinach, trimmed

Chicken: combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl, cover and marinate in refrigerator 2 hours, turning chicken once.

Vinaigrette: Whisk together all vinaigrette ingredients; slowly pour in oil in a steady stream, while whisking; Set aside until ready to use.

Cook Chicken: Prepare grill. Remove chicken from marinade, discarding marinade. Sprinkle chicken with salt. Place chicken on grill rack coated with cooking spray, and grill for 5 minutes on each side or until done. Cut into slices or chop.  Set aside.

Edamame: Steam or boil edamame according to package directions.  Rinse briefly with cold water.

Assemble salad: Toss lettuce and spinach together in a large serving bowl with ¾ of the dressing. Arrange chicken on greens in one corner; arrange jicama, mango, and edamame in each of the other corners.  Drizzle remaining dressing over top.

Best served with baked, seasoned corn chips:  spritz corn chips with cooking spray, season to taste with some cumin, chili powder, some lime juice, and a dash of cayenne.  Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes.  Crush a few on top of salad, serve the rest on the side.

Yield: 6 servings

If I Had A Million Dollars

I love this song.  I really do.  I don’t know why.  Barenaked Ladies crack me up.

If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I’d buy you a house
(I would buy you a house)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
I’d buy you furniture for your house
(Maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman)
And if I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you a K-Car
(A nice Reliant automobile)
If I had a million dollars I’d buy your love

If I had a million dollars
I’d build a tree fort in our yard
If I had million dollars
You could help, it wouldn’t be that hard
If I had million dollars
Maybe we could put like a little tiny fridge in there somewhere
You know, we could just go up there and hang out
Like open the fridge and stuff
There would already be laid out foods for us
Like little pre-wrapped sausages and things

They have pre-wrapped sausages but they don’t have pre-wrapped bacon
Well, can you blame ’em
Uh, yeah

If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you a fur coat
(But not a real fur coat that’s cruel)
And if I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you an exotic pet
(Yep, like a llama or an emu)
And if I had a million dollars
(If I had a a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you John Merrick’s remains
(Ooh, all them crazy elephant bones)
And If I had a million dollars I’d buy your love

If I had a million dollars
We wouldn’t have to walk to the store
If I had a million dollars
Now, we’d take a limousine ’cause it costs more
If I had a million dollars
We wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner
But we would eat Kraft Dinner
Of course we would, we’d just eat more
And buy really expensive ketchups with it
That’s right, all the fanciest ke… dijon ketchups!
Mmmmmm, Mmmm-Hmmm

If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you a green dress
(But not a real green dress, that’s cruel)
And if I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you some art
(A Picasso or a Garfunkel)
If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)
Well, I’d buy you a monkey
(Haven’t you always wanted a monkey)

If I had a million dollars
I’d buy your love

If I had a million dollars, If I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars, If I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars
I’d be rich

Sleeeeeeepy…but well!

OK, so I AM well again.  And cooking, obviously.  My head has been spinning about lately, and when I take the time to explain it all, you’ll see exactly what I mean – and I’d explain it all now, since I’m bothering to take the time to explain that my head is spinning at all, only it isn’t something you explain when it is after midnight and you have to go to work the next day (see?  Can’t you just see my head spinning?).  So, I’m just going to say a quick hi ("hi!"), and throw in a gratuitous photo of my 9 month old, and go to sleep.


Take care all,


Bowtie, Chicken, & Cannellini Bean Soup


This cooked up in about 20 minutes, when I thought I had nothing to cook with.  This is a great way to use up any leftover cooked chicken, or even bacon (I had a couple slices left from going out to breakfast earlier).  Enjoy!

(I have photos, but they aren’t with me right now, so I’ll update the post when I can with a picture for you!)

Bowtie, Chicken, & Cannellini Bean Soup

1 T olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
½ red onion, diced finely
¼ – ½ tsp red pepper flakes
½ tsp dried or 1 T fresh Basil
¼ tsp dried oregano
4 cups good quality chicken broth
2 cups water
Salt & fresh ground pepper to taste
8 oz Bowtie pasta
1 can cannelloni beans, rinsed & drained
2 slices cooked bacon, crumbled or minced
1 cup cooked chicken, chopped
1 cup frozen spinach
½ cup whipping cream

1.  Heat olive oil over medium high heat.  Add garlic, cook 1 minute or until fragrance (careful not to burn).  Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5 minutes.

2.  Add red pepper flakes, basil, and orgegano; cook, stirring, about 30 seconds.

3.  Add chicken broth and next 6 ingredients (through chicken), bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer until pasta is al dente, about 8 minutes.

4.  Stir in spinach and whipping cream, until heated through (do not boil).  Adjust seasonings, if necessary, the serve in heated bowls with garlic bread.  Yum!

Domestic Illness…again…

Well, believe it or not, I am sick again.  There must be some sort of unofficial rule that if you get the flu shot, you eventually have to get the flu.  I have the first case of Influenza B that my doctor has seen yet this year.  There we were enjoying ourselves at the Seattle gift show buying for the store, when bam!  I go and get a fever.  Which just goes up and up until we go to the doctor, and he gives me this q-tip thingy I have to jam up my nose until I cry, and he says I have the flu.  Now, four days of missed work later, my baby is sick too.  He’s never been really sick before.  I sat him in my lap most of yesterday evening after he got back from the doctor, and he just sat there and whimpered, poor thing, over and over.  What an awful feeling to have your child feel so rotten, and not understand why he feels that way nor why you don’t seem to be doing anything about it.  Even more pathetically cute were his attempts at cheerfulness.  Every now and then a slow grin would emerge under those puffy red droopy eyes.  Ah, I love my son.

So, we’re both home sick today.  And I’ve been watching a LOT of movies.  Chris came back from errands with a whole handful, a really interesting selection – The Golden Child, Sweet Home Alabama, A Fish Called Wanda, Memoirs of a Geisha, to name a few.  Today will be another day of movie watching, sleeping, and drinking ungodly amounts of liquid.  And reading up on some of my favorite blogs.  Its been a while, so that will be a treat!

Friday Night At Work

Gee, what a week.  I feel like I say that every week!  Its been a good one, though.  For those of you who don’t live around where I do, we’ve had some lovely weather here.  Freezing cold (literally), but bright and sunny.  Every time the new year begins and we start getting that part of northwest winters that are really cold, but the sun starts coming out, I realize how much I’m effected by the weather.  Waking up to a sunny day, especially after months of bleak and dreary days (weather-wise), is like a natural prozak for me (although I’ve never taken prozak, so I can’t be sure). 

I’d post a photo of one of these lovely days, but I’m not actually on my laptop where all my photos are, but instead at my work computer at Children’s.  We’re going down to my mom’s house for the weekend to have Christmas.  I know, I know, it has officially today been one month since Christmas, but given that we were all so sick for so long, this has been the first weekend where we’ve all been around and been well.  So, Chris is home packing up the baby and all of our stuff, and I’m waiting for him to come get me so we can go.  I’ve put in my day and can’t possibly think any more than I already have today, so I’m blogging instead of working.  It is kind of odd to be alone in the office at 7pm on a Friday night.  I have my music up loud.  I keep hearing imaginary noises thinking someone else is here.  It is kind of exciting – like that feeling I always got anytime I went to school when it wasn’t school-time.  Like I wasn’t supposed to be there, but I was anyway.

So yeah, I’m just sitting here blogging, answering the phone every 10 minutes, answering "where’s Ben’s elf outfit?" and "what jewelry do you want?"  I’m not complaining, though.  There aren’t many husbands that would willing spend their day doing home-based web work, caring for an infant, doing laundry, helping a contractor insulate the basement, and packing for himself, his wife, and infant son for a weekend trip to hood canal to visit his inlaws.  He even packed me some yarn and a crochet hook.  Can’t beat that, can ya? 

I love you, honey. 🙂

Composed while listening to "Goody, Goody," by Ella Fitzgerald.

A New Year


So we are mostly back together again, finally.  Chris has had the same cough since October right after we moved into our house, and I still wake up feeling a little congested, but for the most part we are all better.  Life since we moved – really, since I went back to work at Children’s after maternity leave – has really thrown me off balance, and forced me to be very flexible, good humored, and patient in order to avoid going crazy.  Especially around the holidays this year.  Typically, the only vacation I ever really take from work is two weeks off around Christmas and New Year’s.  I like to have a block of time with which I can pretend to be a stay at home wife and artist (and now mom), while joyfully throwing myself into the general buzz of Christmastime.  Chris and I then spend a good chunk of time together, often away from home, around New Year’s to take a good look at the last year, decide what we’d like to do differently in the coming year, and plan our next set of goals or personal resolutions.  We didn’t do any of that this year, mostly due to our illness. So lately, it has been on my mind a lot.

2007 was a very very full year for us.  Lots and lots of ups and downs, momentous events of both joy and disappointment, and changes of all kinds.  One big part of this, of course, was having a baby.  That has changed everything, in a positive, but very different way. People often ask me how I enjoy being a mom, and comment on how much it changes your life.  I have answered that in many ways, having a baby has made my life much simpler.  My child is the most important thing in my life, aside from my relationship with God, and my marriage.  Those things come first, and that’s just the way it is.  Thus, it is much easier to prioritize my life.  Many choices are much easier to make.


But the really hard part about this is that really, my everyday life does not reflect my priorities.  You see, we’ve made the conscious and very difficult decision of pursing a dream that we feel will best benefit our family in the long run, but in the short run it requires a bit of sacrifice and a lot of hard work.  While I maintain a full-time, professional career in Human Resources, I am building a small business with my husband, a dream we both share for our family.  We also have a baby. And we bought a house.  Thus, with full time work at each place, the time we have leftover must be split very carefully between our marriage, our son, church, family, friends, hobbies, getting our home together, personal health, and other life interests (that wasn’t necessarily in order of importance!).  Lately, it has just been marriage and son.

My main goal for 2008 is for my everyday life to reflect my priorities, the top of which are God and my family.  After two years of hard work, long hours, and not spending as much time as we’d like with family, friends, or our hobbies and interests, we are at the door of our dreams being realized.  See, I never saw myself as a working mother.  Working full-time in a corporate environment, I mean.  Well, I always saw myself working – just not in job that took me away from my child for about 10 hours out of almost every day, doing work that used none of my God-given talents.  I never intended to have a child only to have someone else raise him while I went to an office.  And I don’t believe God gave me the talents and passions I have only to have me put them in my pocket while I went to an office.  I don’t mean to criticize corporate careers, or even my job – it has been a great opportunity that I for the most part have enjoyed.  I don’t think anything is wrong with a corporate career at all.  I just think it is wrong for me personally, and for my family. 

Our store allows us to work the many required hours on a flexible schedule (a lot of it at any time from any place), to work with family and friends, to meet a lot of new people and develop new friendships, and to provide an outlet for our creative interests.  Not to mention leaving a lot more time leftover for family, friends, church, and…well, life.  And sometime within the next year I should hopefully be able to make this transition, and start bringing some balance back into my life.  For a time, I wasn’t sure what my 2008 goals would be.  We have our business started.  We have a house.  We have a child.  Those were some big ones that we’ve been working toward one way or another for a while.  Now that we have them, what was next?  Balance.  That’s what’s next for me in 2008.


I apologize for the complete lack of posting lately – Chris, Benjamin, Chris’ parents, and both sets of grandparents, even some of our friends and employees, have all been down with a really nasty flu.  It figures that the year I get a flu shot, I get the flu.  I hardly ever get sick, so to have a fever, infection, and all the other fun things that have come with this flu, including a sick infant, has had me rather stir crazy.  I’m sorry to say we were sick all through Christmas.  Which means I only got us halfway through our Christmas Advent!  Oh well, that leaves me something more to look forward to next Christmas. 

We’ve made plans to have a special Christmastime together when we’re feeling better.  We’ve opened our presents, but we haven’t eaten our traditional holiday yummies that we were looking forward to enjoying, nor played any games, made our visitis, or watched our movies.  No flu is going to keep us down…we missed the day on the calendar, but we’ll still get the day!

I’ve been thinking about the new year that is fast approaching – well, in as much thinking as I’ve really been able to do with such a fuzzy brain.  I like to write a list of goals for the year at the beginning of each year, but I’m taking my time thinking about it this year.  In 2007 I had a baby and we bought a house, two goals we’ve been working toward for some time.  Two huge milestones, achieved in the same year.  What will 2008 hold?  What to I want to read, create, learn, acheive, or teach my son?  Gotta think on that a bit still.  But later…later, when I feel better…