Friday Night At Work

Gee, what a week.  I feel like I say that every week!  Its been a good one, though.  For those of you who don’t live around where I do, we’ve had some lovely weather here.  Freezing cold (literally), but bright and sunny.  Every time the new year begins and we start getting that part of northwest winters that are really cold, but the sun starts coming out, I realize how much I’m effected by the weather.  Waking up to a sunny day, especially after months of bleak and dreary days (weather-wise), is like a natural prozak for me (although I’ve never taken prozak, so I can’t be sure). 

I’d post a photo of one of these lovely days, but I’m not actually on my laptop where all my photos are, but instead at my work computer at Children’s.  We’re going down to my mom’s house for the weekend to have Christmas.  I know, I know, it has officially today been one month since Christmas, but given that we were all so sick for so long, this has been the first weekend where we’ve all been around and been well.  So, Chris is home packing up the baby and all of our stuff, and I’m waiting for him to come get me so we can go.  I’ve put in my day and can’t possibly think any more than I already have today, so I’m blogging instead of working.  It is kind of odd to be alone in the office at 7pm on a Friday night.  I have my music up loud.  I keep hearing imaginary noises thinking someone else is here.  It is kind of exciting – like that feeling I always got anytime I went to school when it wasn’t school-time.  Like I wasn’t supposed to be there, but I was anyway.

So yeah, I’m just sitting here blogging, answering the phone every 10 minutes, answering "where’s Ben’s elf outfit?" and "what jewelry do you want?"  I’m not complaining, though.  There aren’t many husbands that would willing spend their day doing home-based web work, caring for an infant, doing laundry, helping a contractor insulate the basement, and packing for himself, his wife, and infant son for a weekend trip to hood canal to visit his inlaws.  He even packed me some yarn and a crochet hook.  Can’t beat that, can ya? 

I love you, honey. 🙂

Composed while listening to "Goody, Goody," by Ella Fitzgerald.

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