This morning at approximately 5:45 in the morning after 4 hours and 19 minutes of labor, D. F. E. was born to a couple of our lovely friends – 6lb 2oz, 18 1/2 inches long, brilliant blue eyes, mellow and sweet, with a fuzz of dark brown hair. It was an honor and delight to hold her just 12 hours after her entry into the world, and once again I am amazed at the incredible process God orchestrated for the creation of life. From micro-tiny pieces of our bodies comes this amazing living breathing little creature, beautiful and precious. It is so wonderful to me that when I think back on all the major life events I have experienced since leaving my home almost 10 years ago, I can look up and see the same sets of faces there through it all – my dear friends and my husband. How blessed I am indeed to have relationships like this in my life!
Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff – welcome, sweet baby!!