
Just a quick blog before bedtime…we’ve had so much on our plates lately, I haven’t had a moment to take any pictures, so here is a happy photo of some summer sunflowers to brighten the post up. Sigh – I’m exhausted but happy. This life we’ve chosen has us working pretty much all the time, but it also feels really good. I would much rather work 10-14 hours a day 6-7 days a week in a life I absolutely love, fulfilling my dreams and using my talents, than work 8 square hours a day, 5 days a week inside an office in front of a computer doing absolutely nothing related to the things I am passionate about and gifted to do. It is a scary and risky way to live, because my office job means stability and relatively predictable income, but the quality of life being a shop owner, artist, volunteer counselor, homemaker, wife, friend, godmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, neighbor, hostess, piano player, butterfly chaser, and bubblebath taker is drastically different. The more time I spend doing the things I feel God made me to do, the more healthy I feel, and the more…me. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy my job – I do enjoy it, and love the people I work with (most of the time 🙂 ). But it is not what I was meant to do for the rest of my life.

Ok, enough about my deep inner thoughts. Let’s see, a quick update on what I’ve been up to:

  • Store expansion – our grand reopening is next week! I was busy painting folkart-style designs on the new counter we are building. I’ve been in the mood to paint LARGE for a while, so this is satisfying that craving. I’ll post photos when done.
  • Press – we were published in this month’s issue of Country Pleasures Magazine! One of the writers came out to the store to interview Chris and wrote an article about our expansion – it was actually more about us than the store, which was really weird to read. Its all true, its just when you see it in print, it looks so…glamorous!
  • Fat Book – I’m in a new and exciting fat book exchange with my WA State art yahoo group, based on the seasons. Six of us exchange original 4×4 book pages, 4 times a year with each season as the theme. We just completed Spring, and as soon as I get it back I’ll post photos.
  • Crochet – I’ve taken up crochet again, which I love but was getting tired of sewing blankets. I found some fun and simple patterns for flower broaches and baby balls, so I’m stitching up some fun when I have free moments (not much so far. :))

Oh, that’s really about it. What’s in store for everyone’s week?

Nighty night.

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